GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life's most difficult experiences - the death of a loved one.
GriefShare seminars and support groups are led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. You’ll gain access to valuable GriefShare resources to help you recover from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life.

Leaders:  Janet Evans (254-422-3536) and Ramona Watson (254-715-2722)

A Surviving the Holidays seminar will be held on Saturday, November 11, 2023 from 10:00 am to
12:00 pm. This video-based seminar will help participants discover how to deal with emotions,
what to do about traditions, helpful tips for surviving social events, and how to find help for the
future. It will be held in the Lamplighters Room of the church. The registration fee is $10 which
includes the cost of refreshments plus a “Survival Guide” booklet to take home.

A 13-week grief support group will run February 7 – May 1, 2024 every Wednesday morning
from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm held in the Lamplighters Room. The registration fee is $25 which
covers the cost of your workbook. Through this video-based 13-week group, you’ll discover what
to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief. Since there are no neat orderly stages
of grief, you’ll learn helpful ways of coping with grief in all its unpredictability, and gain solid
support each step of the way.

For more information, contact Janet Evans 254-422-3536 or Ramona Watson 254-715-2722.

To register online  go to: